Body Protector Shopping at Badminton Horse Trials

* Body Protector S H O P P I N G * with Tina Wallace – Life on the Left Rein

If anyone is heading Body Protector shopping at Badminton Horse Trials I can highly recommend the Champion Equestrian WearTitanium Ti22 ~ I used to always struggle (being rather busty) to find a body proctor that I could do up without the help of 2 other people and didn’t restrict my movement when in the Saddle!
I have competed in the Ti22 for just over a year now and can honestly say you hardly know you are wearing it… so much so that I once drove home after a beach ride with it still on as feels a bit like you just wearing a gillet!!
It’s lightweight, breathable and flexible and I can do it up all by myself!!!!!!

So if you’re in the market for a new one, head to the “Champion” or Treehouse Sporting Colours stand where they will professionally measure you up and if you mention I sent you you might… just might… get a sneaky discount
(Just mention “Tina Safety”)
#ChampionEquestrian #TitaniumTi22
#builtonsafety #badmintonhorsetrials