The fifth running of the National Pony Society Supreme Dressage Championships, organised by a keen group of volunteer members will take place at Addington Manor Equestrian Centre near Buckingham on 14th & 15th April 2012.
The event is the only dressage competition in the country for British Breeds of pony who may be ridden by riders of any age. The competition is spilt into Breed sections for the different types of pony plus classes for younger riders and new awards for those aged forty five plus! Over a hundred qualifiers for the Finals have taken place across the UK. Riders can compete as individuals and in teams of four.
Four years ago it was a dream to invite members of the Australian equivalent – The Riding Pony Stud Book Society of Australia to take part in an International Team Challenge in Olympic year. Team work across the globe has brought this about and top young riders complete in their national uniform will arrive in the UK at the end of March to ride loaned ponies and compete against others including The British Riding Pony Stud Book Dressage team which appropriately is made up of ponies bred by studs in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Toggi and Champion are thrilled to support this fantastic competition by kitting out the lucky and dedicated Team members with gear from the Toggi Team GBR range and a new up to standard Champion hat for each team member. The team comprises twenty year old Rachel Bullock riding Stanley Grange Overture, eleven year old Sophie Court riding Braeglen Symphony, seventeen year old Hannah Horton and Small-land Tapdance and fifteen year old Katie Morton riding Oldcourt Charlotte. The girls are delighted with their team uniform which is inspiring them to “Go for Gold”! Spectators are welcome and entrance is free of charge.
Good luck to the team – we know they’ll do Great Britain proud!